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An interactive multimedia performance installation staged in a four-story abandoned historic mansion on Governor's Island.
Virtuosic performances, one-on-one encounters, sanctified silliness, and unexpected moments of connection between strangers.
Audiences were invited to wander throughout the labyrinth of whimsy, where they discovered secret performances, one-on-one encounters, hidden installations, and interactive technology designed to spark human connection. Highlights included a symphony incorporating original instruments constructed entirely from found objects; a love letter factory; a Secret, Secret Museum of Secret, Secrets; a Butoh dancer in the attic; a nymph buried in a life-sized terrarium, which audiences were invited to plant flowers in; a collaborative poetry wall; interactive projection mapping by Dave & Gabe; a Mermaid in a bathtub who initiated individuals into immortality; and a five course meal of questions designed for strangers to become intimately acquainted.
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